Enemies, Convolution and Pooling


Let's remember now that last week we were still keeping with the idea of supervised learning. We were trying to get our agent to reach the goal on an empty maze, using own moves as a guide. Since the problem was so simple, we could make an agent that navigating the maze.

But what happens if we introduce enemies into the maze? This will complicate the process. Our manual AI isn't actually that successful in this scenario. But recording our own moves provides a reasonable data set.

First, we need to update the features a little bit. Recall that we're representing our board so that every grid space has a single feature. In our old representation, we used a value of 100 to represent the target space, and 10 to represent our own space. We need to expand this representation. We want to know where the enemies are, if they're stunned, and if we still have our stun.

Let's use 25.0 to represent our position if we have the stun. If we don't have our stun available, we'll use 10.0 instead. For positions containing active enemies, we'll use -25.0. If the enemy is in the stunned state, we'll use -10.0.

vectorizeWorld :: World -> V.Vector Float
vectorizeWorld w = finalFeatures
    initialGrid = V.fromList $ take 100 (repeat 0.0)
    (px, py) = playerLocation (worldPlayer w)
    (gx, gy) = endLocation w
    playerLocIndex = (9 - py) * 10 + px
    playerHasStun = playerCurrentStunDelay (worldPlayer w) == 0
    goalLocIndex = (9 - gy) * 10 + gx
    finalFeatures = initialGrid V.//
      ([ (playerLocIndex
       , if playerHasStun then 25.0 else 10.0)
       , (goalLocIndex, 100.0)] ++ enemyLocationUpdates)

    enemyLocationUpdates = enemyPair <$> (worldEnemies w)

    enemyPair e =
      let (ex, ey) = enemyLocation e
      in  ( (9 - ey) * 10 + ex,
             if enemyCurrentStunTimer e == 0 then -25.0 else -10.0)

Using our moves as a training set, we see some interesting results. It's difficult to get great results on our error rates. The data set is very prone to overfitting. We often end up with training error in the 20-30% range with a test error near 50%. And yet, our agent can consistently win the game! Our problem space is still a bit simplistic, but it is an encouraging result!

Convolution and Pooling

As suggested last week, the ideas of convolution and pooling could be useful on this feature set. Let's try it out, for experimentation purposes. We'll start with a function to create a layer in our network that does convolution and pooling.

buildConvPoolLayer :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Tensor v Float -> Build (Variable Float, Variable Float, Tensor Build Float)
buildConvPoolLayer inputChannels outputChannels input = do
  weights <- truncatedNormal (vector weightsShape)
    >>= initializedVariable
  bias <- truncatedNormal (vector [outputChannels])
    >>= initializedVariable
  let conv = conv2D' convAttrs input (readValue weights)
               `add` readValue bias
  let results = maxPool' poolAttrs (relu conv)
  return (weights, bias, results)
    weightsShape :: [Int64]
    weightsShape = [5, 5, inputChannels, outputChannels]

    -- Create "attributes" for our operations
    -- E.g. How far does convolution slide?
    convStridesAttr = opAttr "strides" .~ ([1,1,1,1] :: [Int64])
    poolStridesAttr = opAttr "strides" .~ ([1,2,2,1] :: [Int64])
    poolKSizeAttr = opAttr "ksize" .~ ([1,2,2,1] :: [Int64])
    paddingAttr = opAttr "padding" .~ ("SAME" :: ByteString)
    dataFormatAttr = opAttr "data_format" .~ ("NHWC" :: ByteString)
    convAttrs = convStridesAttr . paddingAttr . dataFormatAttr
    poolAttrs = poolKSizeAttr . poolStridesAttr . paddingAttr . dataFormatAttr

The input to this layer will be our 10x10 "image" of a grid. The output will be 5x5x32. The "5" dimensions come from halving the board dimension. The "32" will come from the number of channels. We'll replace our first neural network layer with this layer:

createModel :: Build Model
createModel = do
  let batchSize = -1
  let (gridDimen :: Int64) = 10
  let inputChannels = 1
  let (convChannels :: Int64) = 32
  let (nnInputSize :: Int64) = 5 * 5 * 32

  (inputs :: Tensor Value Float) <-
    placeholder [batchSize, moveFeatures]
  (outputs :: Tensor Value Int64) <-
    placeholder [batchSize]

  let convDimens = [batchSize, gridDimen, gridDimen, inputChannels]
  let inputAsGrid = reshape inputs (vector convDimens)
  (convWeights, convBias, convResults) <-
    buildConvPoolLayer inputChannels convChannels inputAsGrid

  let nnInput = reshape
          convResults (vector [batchSize, nnInputSize])
  (nnWeights, nnBias, nnResults) <-
    buildNNLayer nnInputSize moveLabels nnInput

  (actualOutput :: Tensor Value Int64) <- render $
    argMax nnResults (scalar (1 :: Int64))

We have a bit less success here. Our training is slower. We get similar error rate. But now our agent doesn't seem to win, unlike the agent from the pure, dense network. So it's not clear that we can actually treat this grid as an image and make any degree of progress.

What's Next?

Over the course of creating these different algorithms, we've discretized the game. We've broken it down into two phases. One where we move, one where the enemies can move. This will make it easier for us to move back to our evaluation function approach. We can even try using multi-move look-ahead. This could lead us to a position where we can try temporal difference learning. Researchers first used this approach to train an agent how to play Backgammon at a very high level.

Temporal difference learning is a very interesting concept. It's the last approach we'll try with our agent. We'll start out next time with an overview of TD learning before we jump into coding.

For another look at using Haskell with AI problems, read our Haskell and AI series! You can also download our Haskell Tensor Flow Guide for some more help with this library!


Temporal Difference Primer


Different Feature Schemes