Loading Games and Changing Colors!


Last week we added functionality for serializing our world state. This allowed us to save our game with the press of a button. We also parameterized our application so that we could customize many aspects of it. We didn't explore all the possibilities though! This week, we'll see how we can load a previous game-state by using command line options. We'll also use options to specify how the game appears!

As always, take a look at our Github repository to see the full code. This article corresponds to the part-9 branch.

All this is part of our effort to make our game more "mature". But you should also consider some libraries that will be more useful in industry! Take a look at our Production Checklist!. Whether it's web servers or databases, you'll learn how Haskell interacts with more advanced concepts!

Command Line Options

Everything we do this week will happen through command line options. For a quick refresher on these, take a look at this article! We'll have a couple main concerns. First, we want to take an optional filename argument to load the initial world state. If we get this, we'll throw the player right back into their game! If we don't get this argument, we'll generate a new, random state for them to work with.

Second, we'll make command line parameters for all our different render parameters. This will allow anyone invoking the game to customize the appearance! We'll also allow them to specify a whole file for these as well. This will involve quite a bit of work with the Options.Applicative library.

Our main goal is this function:

parseOptions :: IO (Maybe FilePath, RenderParameters)

This will return us a possible file path to load our world state from, as well as a set of render parameters. Let's start with some basic framework code.

Parser Setup

The first item we want is a generic parser that will give us Maybe values. As far as I could tell the options library doesn't have this built-in. But it's not too hard to write. We want to use the option function to start with. It will attempt the given parser. If it succeeds, we want to wrap it with Just. Then we'll append a default value of Nothing to the options in case it fails.

maybeParser ::
  ReadM a -> Mod OptionFields (Maybe a) -> Parser (Maybe a)
maybeParser reader opts =
  option (Just <$> reader) (opts <> value Nothing)

We can now use this to build a parser for the maze file:

mazeFileParser :: Parser (Maybe FilePath)
mazeFileParser = maybeParser str
 (long "load-file" <> short 'f'
   <> help "A file to use to load the world state")

And now we just apply execParser on this, supplying some simple Info for our parser:

parseOptions :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
parseOptions = execParser $ info mazeFileParser commandInfo

commandInfo :: InfoMod (Maybe FilePath)
commandInfo = fullDesc <> progDesc "Haskell Maze Game"

Runner Updates

The next step is a short function for loading our world from the file. Since we have our JSON instance on the World type, we'll rely on decodeFileStrict'. There's one caveat. If the game parameters don't have a random seed value, we'll use a new one. Otherwise we'll use mkStdGen on the seed:

loadWorldFromFile :: FilePath -> IO World
loadWorldFromFile fp = do
 parseResult <- Data.Aeson.decodeFileStrict' fp
 case parseResult of
   Just w -> do
     gen <- case randomGeneratorSeed (worldParameters w) of
       Nothing -> getStdGen
       Just i -> return $ mkStdGen i
     return $ w { worldRandomGenerator = gen }
   Nothing -> error $ "Couldn't parse world from file " ++ fp ++ "!"

Now we want to make some changes to our main running function. We'll run our argument parser first. If we get a file from the options, we'll load the initial World from that file. Otherwise, we'll use our previous flow with generating a random maze.

main :: IO ()
main = do
 maybeLoadFile <- parseOptions
 initialWorld <- case maybeLoadFile of
   Just loadFile -> loadWorldFromFile loadFile
   Nothing -> …
 play ...

Parsing a Render File

This is good enough to load the world, so we can re-start from a saved (or derived) position. But suppose we wanted to go a step further. Suppose we wanted to also load our render parameters. We could use another file if we liked. We could start with another parser for a file path:

renderFileParser :: Parser (Maybe FilePath)
renderFileParser = maybeParser str
 (long "render-param-file" <> short 'r'
   <> help "A file to use to load render parameters")

Then we'll combine our two parsers together like so:

parser :: Parser (Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath)
parser = (,) <$>
 mazeFileParser <*>

Now we'll add a bit more logic to the wrapper function. If we have a file, we should use it to load the RenderParameters object:

parseOptions :: IO (Maybe FilePath, RenderParameters)
parseOptions = do
 (mazeFile, renderFile) <- execParser $ info parser commandInfo
 case renderFile of
   Nothing -> return (mazeFile, defaultRenderParameters)
   Just fp -> do
     parseResult <- decodeFileStrict' fp
     case parseResult of
       Nothing -> return (mazeFile, defaultRenderParameters)
       Just fileRenderParams -> return (mazeFile, fileRenderParams)

Note that the type of our commandInfo will also need to change as a result of this. But then we just have the simple task of getting other these items out in our main function:

main :: IO ()
main = do
 (maybeLoadFile, renderParams) <- parseOptions

Individual Render Parameters

We have one last trick though! Suppose we want to change one thing about the game's appearance and we don't want to use a JSON file. We can add individual options on render elements. We've got a lot of possible elements. We'll wrap them all in a basic type, matching the fields we have in the different sub-components. Each of these fields is optional. We'll "merge" them with a complete set of render parameters to get a final result.

data RenderParamInfo = RenderParamInfo
 -- Screen/Text Parameters
 (Maybe Int)
 (Maybe Int)
 (Maybe Int)
 (Maybe Float)
 (Maybe Float)
 (Maybe Float)
 (Maybe Float)
 -- Player Parameters
 (Maybe Float)
 (Maybe Color)
 (Maybe Float)
 (Maybe Color)
 -- Enemy Parameters
 (Maybe Float)
 (Maybe Color)
 (Maybe Color)
 -- Cell Parameters
 (Maybe Color)
 (Maybe Color)
 (Maybe Float)

Each field will have it's own parser. These will all be variations on our maybeParser:

maybeIntParser :: Mod OptionFields (Maybe Int) -> Parser (Maybe Int)
maybeIntParser = maybeParser auto

maybeFloatParser ::
  Mod OptionFields (Maybe Float) -> Parser (Maybe Float)
maybeFloatParser = maybeParser auto

maybeColorParser ::
  Mod OptionFields (Maybe Color) -> Parser (Maybe Color)
maybeColorParser = maybeParser (maybeReader colorReader)
   colorReader "blue" = Just blue
   … -- other colors

Then we can combine them using applicative syntax, and providing some help information:

parseRenderInfo :: Parser RenderParamInfo
parseRenderInfo = RenderParamInfo <$>
 maybeIntParser (long "screen-dimen"
   <> help "The screen width/height") <*>
 maybeIntParser (long "screen-offset-x"
   <> help "The screen width/height") <*>

Next we'll write a "merge" function. This will take a RenderParameters item with default values, and apply the Just values.

mergeOptions ::
  RenderParameters -> RenderParamInfo -> RenderParameters
mergeOptions rp (RenderParamInfo sd_ sox_ ...)
 = RenderParameters
   (fromMaybe (screenDimen rp) sd_)
   (fromMaybe (screenOffsetX rp) sox_)

Then we add this new parser to our set:

parser :: Parser (Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, RenderParamInfo)
parser = (,,) <$>
 mazeFileParser <*>
 renderFileParser <*>

And our original function should now reflect the need to merge parameters.

parseOptions :: IO (Maybe FilePath, RenderParameters)
parseOptions = do
 (mazeFile, renderFile, renderInfo) <- execParser $
                                         info parser commandInfo
 case renderFile of
   Nothing -> return
     (mazeFile, mergeOptions defaultRenderParameters renderInfo)
   Just fp -> do
     parseResult <- decodeFileStrict' fp
     case parseResult of
       Nothing -> return
         (mazeFile, mergeOptions defaultRenderParameters renderInfo)
       Just fileRenderParams -> return
         (mazeFile, mergeOptions fileRenderParams renderInfo)

Wrapping Up

Now we've got a lot of interesting possibilities. We can save our game from a particular state:


Then we can load it back up with different colors. For example, we can make some obnoxious green walls:

stack exec -- maze-game --load-file=maze_game_save_1557121650\
  --cell-wall-color=green --enemy-base-color=red


Now that our game is customizable and re-loadable we'll be able to do a lot more interesting things with it. We'll be able to run many simulations that test the difficulty. Some day, we'll be able to make the AI much better! For the time being though, there are still some more features we can add. So the next couple parts of this series will explore some other exciting twists in the game-play. This will lead us to a point where other types of refactors will be necessary.

Making a project like this requires a good knowledge of the Stack tool. To learn more, take our free mini-course on Using Stack!.


Taking a Shortcut!


Spring Cleaning: Parameters and Saving!