Rust Web Series Complete!


We're taking a quick breather this week from new content for an announcement. Our recently concluded Rust Web series now has a permanent spot on the advanced page of our website. You can take a look at the series page here! Here's a quick summary of the series:

  1. Part 1: Postgres - In the first part, we learn about a basic library to enable integration with a Postgresql Database.
  2. Part 2: Diesel - Next up, we get a little more formal with our database mechanics. We use the Diesel library to provide a schema for our database application.
  3. Part 3: Rocket - In part 3, we take the next step and start making a web server! We'll learn the basics of the Rocket server library!
  4. Part 4: CRUD Server - What do we do once we have a database and server library? Combine them of course! In this part, we'll make a CRUD server that can access our database elements using Diesel and Rocket.
  5. Part 5: Authentication - If your server will actually serve real users, you'll need authentication at some point. We'll see the different mechanisms we can use with Rocket for securing our endpoints.
  6. Part 6: Front-end Templating - If you're serving a full front-end web app, you'll need some way to customize the HTML. In the last part of the series, we'll see how Rocket makes this easy!

The best part is that you can find all the code for the series on our Github Repo! So be sure to take a look there. And if you're still new to Rust, you can also get your feet wet first with our Beginners Series.

In other exciting news, we'll be trying a completely new kind of content in the next couple weeks. I've written a bit in the past about using different IDEs like Atom and IntelliJ to write Haskell. I'd like to revisit these ideas to give a clearer idea of how to make our lives easier when writing code. But instead of writing articles, I'll be making a few videos to showcase how these work! I hope that a visual display of the IDEs will help make the content more clear.


Rustlings Video Blog!


Unit Tests and Benchmarks in Rust