"Group" Theory

Last time around we saw the function "intercalate". This could take a list of lists, and produces a single list, separated by the list from the first argument. But today, we'll take a look at a couple functions that work in reverse. The "group" functions take something like a flat, single-level list, and turn it into a list of lists.

group :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]

groupBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]

When you use the basic group function, you'll take your list and turn it into a list of lists where each list contains successive elements that are equal.

>> group [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4]
[[1], [2, 2], [3], [4, 4, 4]]

This is useful for answering a question like "What is the longest consecutive sequence in my list?" Like any list function, it can be used on strings.

>> group "Hello Jimmy"
["H", "e", "ll", "o", " ", "J", "i", "mm", "y"]

The groupBy function provides more utility. It lets you pass in your own comparison test. For example, here's a rudimentary way to separate a raw CSV string. You "group" all characters that aren't strings, and then filter out the commas.

separateCSV :: String -> [String]
separateCSV s = filter (/= ",") (groupBy (\c1 c2 -> c1 /= ',' && c2 /= ',') s)


>> separateCSV "Hello,there,my,friend"
["Hello", "there", "my", "friend"]

Here's another example. Suppose you have an array representing a two-dimensional matrix:

myArray :: Array (Int, Int) Double

The assocs function of the Array library will give you a flat list. But you can make this into a list of lists, where each list is a row:

myArray :: Array (Int, Int) Double)

rows = groupBy (\((a, _), _) ((b, _), _) -> a == b) (assocs myArray)

This is a common pattern you can observe in list functions. There's often a "basic" version of a function, and then a version ending in By that you can augment with a predicate or comparison function so you can use it on more complicated data.

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Transposing Rows


In the Middle: Intersperse and Intercalate