James Bowen James Bowen

What Makes a Good IDE?

Sometimes in the past I've read articles about people's IDE setups and thought "wow, they spend way too much time thinking about this." Now maybe sometimes people do go overboard. But on the other hand, I think it's fair to say I've been neglecting the importance of my development environment in my own practice.

A quick look at some of my videos in the last couple years can show you this fact. This whole playlist is a good example. I'm generally working directly with Vim with virtually no language features beyond syntax highlighting. I think my environment even lacked any semblance of auto-completion, so if I wasn't copying something directly, I would be writing the whole thing out.

If I wanted to compile or run my code, I would switch to a terminal opened in a separate window and manually enter commands. At the very least, I could switch between these terminals pretty easily. But opening new files and trying to compare files side-by-side was a big pain.

So after reflecting on these experiences, one of my resolutions this year has been to improve my Haskell development environment. In this first article on the subject, I'll consider the specific elements of what makes a good IDE and how we can use a systematic approach to build our ideal environment.

Listing Our Needs

Designing a good environment requires us to be intentional. This means thinking carefully about what we're using our environment for, and getting into the details of the specific actions we want.

So a good starting point is to list out the important actions we want to take within our editor. Here's my preliminary list:

  1. Open a file in a tab
  2. Switch between tabs
  3. Open files side-by-side (and switch between them)
  4. Open & close a navigation sidebar
  5. Use sidebar to open files
  6. Open up a terminal to run commands
  7. Switch between the terminal and file to edit

But having these features available is just the start. We also want to do things quickly!

Moving Fast

I used to play Starcraft for a few years. And while I wasn't that good, I was good enough to learn one important lesson to apply to programming. The keyboard is way more efficient than the mouse. The mouse gives the advantage of moving in 2D space. But overall the keyboard is much faster and more precise. So in your development environment, it's very important to learn to do as many things as possible with keyboard shortcuts.

So as a practical matter, I recommend thinking carefully about how you can accomplish your most common tasks (like the features we listed above) with the keyboard. Write these down if you have to!

It helps a lot if you use an editor that allows you to remap keyboard commands. This will give you much more control over how your system works and let you pick key-bindings that are more intuitive for you. Programs like Vim and Emacs allow extensive remapping and overall customization. However, More commercial IDEs like Visual Studio and IntelliJ will still usually allow you some degree of customization.

Speaking of Vim and Emacs, the general movement keys each has (for browsing through and editing your file) are extremely useful for helping improve your general programming speed. Most IDEs have plugins that allow you to incorporate these movement keys.

The faster you're able to move, the more programming will feel like an enjoyable experience, almost like a game! So you should really push yourself to learn these keyboard shortcuts instead of resorting to using the mouse, which might be more familiar at first. In a particular programming session, try to see how long you can go without using the mouse at all!

Language Features

The above features are useful no matter what language or platform you're using. Many of them could be described as "text editor" features, rather than features of a "development environment". But there are also specific things you'll want for the language you're working with.

Syntax highlighting is an essential feature, and autocomplete is extremely important. Basic autocomplete works with the files you have open, but more advanced autocomplete can also use suggestions from library functions.

At the next level of language features, we would want syntax hints, lint suggestions and partial compilation to suggest when we have errors (for compiled languages). These also provide major boosts to your productivity. You can correct errors on the fly, rather than trying to determine the right frequency to switch to your terminal, try compiling your code, and match up the errors with the relevant area of code.

One final area of improvement you could have is integrated build and test commands. Many commercial IDEs have these for particular language setups. But it can be a bit trickier to make these work for Haskell. This is why I still generally rely on opening a terminal instead of using such integrations.


In the next couple articles, I'll go through a few different options I've considered and experimented with for my Haskell development setup. I'll list a few pros and cons of each and give a few tips on starting out with them. I'll also go through a couple tools that are generally useful to making many development environments work with Haskell.

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